450 W Crystal Lake Ave

Haddonfield, NJ 08033 US


Auto Accidents

 close up image of an automobile crash
Numerous studies have shown that years after auto accident victims settle their insurance claims, roughly half of them state that they still suffer with symptoms from their injuries.

If you have been involved in a car accident, your injuries need to be taken very seriously. Because symptoms of some injuries can take weeks or months to manifest, it is easy to be fooled into thinking that you are not as injured as you really are.

Too often people don't seek treatment following a car accident because they don't feel hurt. Unfortunately, by the time more serious complications develop, some of the damage from the injury may have become permanent.Numerous studies have shown that years after accident victims, especially those with whiplash injuries, settle their insurance claims, roughly half of them state that they still suffer with symptoms from their injuries. If you have been in a motor vehicle or any other kind of accident, don't assume that you escaped injury if you are not currently in pain. Contact us today!


Appointment Request

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Office Hours

Schedule will be expanding to accommodate patients, please call for times


9:00 am-5:50 pm


9:30 am-4:00 pm


7:30 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:50 pm





